English Messages part 6

Chassidei Hashem - join us and write!

Chapters 50d (summary - very good!), 51

Chapter 50d:

Chapter 50d

Summary of the messages (composed by me, the translator):

From the FC with Daniel Oct.02.2007

Abba: About a month ago, during the FC session with Binyamin, he said, "There are only a few months left till the 'birth'." Throughout the past fourteen years of FC sessions, an exact date was never specified. The only time ever given was in phrases such as, 'soon', 'we are at the end', etc. Now, Binyamin said 'a few months'.

Daniel: So what is the question?

Abba: I understand that this means everything will begin this year? As Binyamin said, "This year the world will go through the biggest changes since the redemption from Egypt".

Daniel: You understood correctly, yes.

Abba: Meaning, this year?

Daniel: Yes, this year - 5768.

Abba: This year entire countries will be erased from the map?

Daniel: Yes, according to the prophecies entire countries will disappear and not one person or living thing will remain alive: Edom.

From FC with Binyamin Aug.18.2007:

Up until now everything that has happened, happened precisely the way it is written in the prophecies. Only the very last part was not written in the prophecies and that is what is about to take place*.

All of the situations written in the prophecies - they are all in place and ready for action.

Iran is Paras.

Iraq is Bavel

America is Edom

Europe is Edom

As for Russia, who knows what it is? There are definitely a lot of Amalekites there.

Each one of these countries is waiting to go to war with the other. This is not going to be just a war in Israel against the Arabs. This is much bigger. According to the prophecies, many countries will disappear from the world some countries will suffer great damage and some will not be harmed. Israel will remain complete.

From the FC with Daniel and Binyamin Q&A Dec.9.2007

Daniel: People are still going to be very scared. The time will come where people will be coming to you (to Daniel's father) for sacks and ashes.

Soon people will be very frightened. You must all start now with the sacks and ashes at the Western Wall.

Abba: I saw in a previous FC session (from the booklet "Kol Demama Daka" from www.emet8.com) that someone said "the dollar will be worth a piece of tissue." Did they mean in this world or in the next world?

Daniel: Abba, I can't answer that but everyone can see what the dollar is worth now.

It is also written in the prophecies that there will be a lot to buy in this period but that money will be worthless; I think everyone can sense this very well. There are a lot of things people need to buy (or pay for) but money is worthless - you've barely just received it and it's already all been used up.

This is why we see that the dollar is going down and in general America is very weak; it has no power over anything anymore, its borders have become too easy to cross, the military is kind of lame… all in all the situation there is pretty bad.

Abba: For some time now, I have been having difficulty in understanding what you all have said, "when Moshiach comes, it will already be too late to repent."

Then I thought about Noah's ark: For 120 years, the people made fun of Noah and then when the flood finally came… it began to rain, Noah and his family were already in the ark and by the time they had closed the doors, when the real flood began, people were still laughing at Noah. Then, all of a sudden people saw the water was already getting up to their knees and suddenly they wanted to save themselves but by then it was too late…

Daniel: Yes, that is an appropriate example.

Abba: In other words people will want to repent but they won't be able to anymore…

Daniel: They're not going to want to repent; they are just going to want to save themselves.

Daniel: We have no idea how much more we all still have to go through. You spent so much time cleaning the sacks, picking out every single thing that doesn't belong… the cleansing process we must all go through is much harder and more thorough than that and it will not be done only once.

It [everything that is happening now in the world] is exactly what is written in the prophecies: pretty soon the whole world will come to fight against Israel. The Israeli military is so afraid to go into Azah that even if the Palestinians shoot kassam rockets at us day and night, they (the Israelis) will still be afraid to go in. Soon, great battleships from Russia will come and the Israelis will be terrified and not know what is coming. The Russians will start the fight with small things and eventually they will be showering us with rockets.

*Abba: Daniel and Chaim have both said, in past sessions, that we will see something and be afraid of it and then something else will come from another direction and that will be the deciding factor that will determine who will survive. Can you elaborate, Daniel?

Daniel: No, Abba, but it is the truth.

Abba: And they said that there will be a great fear unlike anything there has ever been throughout history.

Daniel: Yes. Now, too, we are in a situation of great fear. The whole world wants to fight against the Jewish people. People may say "against Israel", I say "against the Jewish people."

Abba: Does the matter still exist - that people should store enough food in their homes to last for two weeks?

Daniel. Yes. It is also important to have drinks.

Abba: Even in Jerusalem?

Daniel: Yes, everywhere in Israel.

Abba: I have a savings account that finishes in two years. Should I keep putting money into that account?

Daniel: No.

(We returned to the topic of food in the house - for emergency situations)

Abba: What about the Jews in America? Should they also store food in their homes?

Daniel: I don't know how helpful it will be. Why not? They can do it too. But they would be better off coming to Israel. But now.

Abba: What do you mean now?

Daniel: As soon as possible. Whoever can come, this is the best place to be.

From Chapter 36a FC with Shimon:

The Jews in America are so caught up with materialism that to get them out is almost impossible. Whoever does not leave, not necessarily now, eventually will realize that they should leave, woe to them. Their fate is with their people; with the Jewish people in every country...

From FC with Chaim Weill Nov.06.2007

Am Yisroel [the people of Israel], check your deeds, there is no time.

Do not be among those who want the lies of the nevi'ei sheker [false prophets - who exist today also in the form of "experts" who present easy formulas for success and salvation].

Don't think you will be given "discounts".

It is true; Hashem is very merciful,

But He will not have mercy on those who go against His mitzvos.

From FC with Daniel Oct.02.2007

…Of course Hashem loves His people, without regards to our actions. But if we don't repent, He cannot allow us to remain in the lowly state we are in. He must bring us to a good status.

It is like a father, whose son went away from the correct path. His father loves his son, but he cannot allow him to go in the wrong directions, so he gives him a little 'smack', some form of punishment to return him onto the correct path.

People really love Hashem but they want to be able to go on living their lives the way they want, but this cannot be. A father will not allow his children to just do whatever they want.

From FC with Menachem Jan.13.2008

There is going to be a most interesting situation: On one side of the world there will be total quiet and on the other side complete chaos and destruction.

Some of the people will go on living as though nothing was happening in other places and other people will be going through hell.

But each one will have his turn.

Since some parts of the world will not be destroyed immediately, a lot of Jews will not repent because they will see that the lie continues to exist - the deceptions of this world and that will be the big test for them, to see if they continue to choose the lies or if they decide to repent and choose Hashem's truth.

I cannot explain this situation further but it is definitely going to be interesting.

From FC with Menachem, July.21.2007:

At Mount Sinai, when the Jews received the Torah, Hashem held the mountain above the heads of the Jews and they did not have much choice. But now the people will be given a choice.

Hashem is going to make things happen that will be by far more terrifying than a mountain being held above the people's heads.

But the Jews and the whole world have sunk to such a low level, that it will still not be terrifying enough and most of the people will prefer the gashmius (the materialism) , lo aleinu (G-d Forbid).

They will expect a savior to come such as the American army, the British, the Russians or whoever. Maybe they'll think this is all just a movie and at some stage it will end.

But they won't understand what's really happening; they won't pray and repent.

Edom is going to be completely destroyed. Just imagine what terrible fear that will bring to the world.

Whole countries will be destroyed and not necessarily by atomic bombs.

We are going to see incredible things soon, tremendous miracles, but very few people will understand what is happening and feel frightened enough to want to repent.

Most people have grown so far from Hashem that they don't even know what repentance is. They don't know to whom they are supposed to return and how. Because of this, the situation we face is going to be very difficult and frightening.

(Daniel spoke on the matter of Russia)

Daniel: What's obvious is that the prime minister of Russia is no friend of the Jews and now he has a lot of power and control and he's getting ready to go to war. He also wants to rule over the whole world and that cannot be very good for the Jews.

Moreover, Russian Jews had been given permission to leave Russia a long time ago - Russia has never really been a good place for us - and the fact that they have not all left makes no sense at all. That can only be because of the 'Golden Calf' (i.e. the connection to the materialism of the gentile nations).

(FC with Binyamin)

Binyamin: One thing is very clear and people don't want to hear it. How many will receive Moshiach? I don't know. But it is clear that it won't be many of the people living now in this world. It will be much less people in general and much less Jews.

True, all of the Jews will receive Moshiach, but it depends on when - if it will be after the plague of darkness like in Egypt or before.

Abba: What do you mean before or after? Afterwards we can't anymore…

Binyamin: That's what I'm trying to say. Before the plague of darkness it seemed like there were a lot of Jews that would be exiled form Egypt. But only after the plague of darkness did they discover how many were actually left and there were very few, relatively.

So how can we be saved? What is the formula?

From FC with Daniel Oct.02.2007

Daniel: First of all, every person should sit and meditate and do real teshuva (repentance).

You must look into your hearts and examine each one of your transgressions; from as far back as you can remember until now. You must feel such a sorrow that will bring you to tears, because with every transgression, the distance between the person and Hashem grows greater and greater.

Therefore, the first thing a person should do is confess his transgressions and accept the fact that the things he did were truly wrong.

They must confess clearly to Hashem; "Ashamnu, Bagadnu..." (Confession prayer found after the morning "Shemoneh Esreh" prayer), but really repent over each transgression separately and feel utter sorrow over each one.

After crying and truly feeling sorry about all of our transgressions we must then decide to make an effort from now on to live according to the will of Hashem. Then we must clean our houses, our streets and our lives from all those transgressions.

After this has been done we must then work on our bitachon [trust] in Hashem.

We must know that no matter what happens, we are in His hands alone and whatever happens to us - He knows about it and makes it happen for our own good.

No matter how much pain we are in, it is for our own good.

We must believe this and be happy, because if Hashem has decided that it is for our own good to die before the Redemption - then it is for own good.

And if, G-d Willing, He decides that we are to live and receive the Moshiach (Messiah), this too is for our good.

And whoever dies before the Redemption, if he has repented, he will be resurrected and will also receive our righteous Moshiach.

Hashem does everything for our good and we must believe this and not just say it, but really believe it. Whoever believes this and does real teshuva, will survive and have a place in the World to Come.

The World to Come, the days of Moshiach.

From Chapter 62a:


Soon it will all be over and life will be good;

Everyone will be healthy and everyone will be happy.

Everyone will learn Torah and there will not be any Evil Inclination.

People will not be angry with each other

and everyone will live in peace and harmony,

until the next stage, which is a step that is on an even higher level for humans,

but you cannot understand what that means at this time.

Chapter 51:

Chapter 51


FC session with Binyamin

Binyamin: In one of the previous sessions, I said that in a few months we will notice a difference in the world. The world will change. I have gotten some complaints from good Jewish people, who claim that those few months have gone by without any notable changes. All is quiet, they say. Woe to the 'near-sighted' Jews.

There is no question; our world is going through some very major changes. When the time comes, that we will see the biggest changes of all, both spiritually and physically, it will be above and beyond anything we have ever experienced throughout the history of mankind.

So please, open your eyes and see the truth.

The world is already changing. It is becoming more and more intimidating; be it by the drastic changes occurring in nature, or by the tornados and hurricanes attacking almost every country throughout the world. Whether it is typical for that season or not, it happens.

There were Tornados in atypical places like New York, France and England. Enormous Hurricanes came one right after the next attacking first one side of the world and then the other side.

If hundreds of thousands of people are not being killed, we don't think anything significant is happening.

Yet these are all just warnings. He [G-d] is really trying to get through to us, Am Yisrael [Jewish people]. He sends us warnings - first from a distance, and after that it will get closer and closer until eventually we will feel it on our own skin, Heaven Forbid.

As for things pertaining to war, security, and the military: we have the delegate - the 'delegate of evil' as President Bush calls them; Russia, Iran, Syria - the Hezbollah, the Hamas, etc. including North Korea and various Arab countries, as well as Venezuela and many other Moslem countries.

On the other side there is the U.S.A., Canada and Europe who are not very strong anymore. There is also China, the giant 'monster' with endless ambitions, who apparently wants to join Russia and the Arabs - not such a drastic change in this world of ours.

We move on.

Many of the countries on the 'delegate of evil' have nuclear weapons, (may we never know of this) and biological weapons, G-d forbid and chemical weapons, G-d forbid… it's as though everyone is trying to think how to kill the most amount of people in the cruelest way.

In this, the world has not improved. The evil remains, the desire to kill and rule over the world remains - just that technology has advanced so far that they are now able to kill, G-d forbid, as many people as possible in the most horrible way possible.

Then maybe it's not really advancement. Perhaps it's really diminution. The world is heading for a terrible war.

Why so terrible?

Because so many countries have weapons like I described before, so there is a great danger that they will use their weapons without control, whenever they feel like it. Particularly, once the first rocket has been fired, everyone else will want to join the party, firing at whoever they think may or may not be their enemy.

Just think about it and you will see how such a situation makes sense and is possible, with the world being what it is today.

However, take something into consideration; G-d, Who created this world and all the worlds, He created each and every person and knows exactly what each person is doing, what we are thinking and we are planning. Therefore, He has His plan and that is greater than any plan anyone could possibly have.

And this is why He will perform tremendous miracles for us and there will be times of great fear in the world. Very difficult times are approaching. We will have nothing to hold on to besides our pure faith and trust in Hashem and we must know that He is the Creator of the world and that He is the one who decides who shall live and who shall die, G-d, Forbid, and it has nothing to do with what the person wants. We have to completely trust Him and rid ourselves from all of our toys and idols [things in this world we have become addicted to like movies and clothes, etc., are considered a kind of idolatry].

The people who will not be able to get rid of these things will not survive - but you must realize that when I say they will not live - it is more than just death; it is beyond that - this is the end of all tikunim (rectifications), of our exile in the desert and the rectification of the first man, Adam.

Therefore, for the people who have not rectified their souls - death means something else entirely. Not every person who dies before the coming of Moshiach means that he did not rectify his soul. Some just rectified it and then died and will come back to life for Techiyas Hameisim - the Resurrection of the dead.

Yet, there are people who have not rectified their souls, G-d Forbid, and their future - their fate is entirely different.

But I am not going to elaborate.

What more can I say?

How much can one describe the horrors, the difficulty and the fear that many people are already feeling?

What I have said here, many people can already see happening. A lot of people sense what is going on and are already afraid.

It is not for nothing that people are expecting Moshiach now. They have great hopes in their hearts, that the time has come, at last, because all the signs are pointing to this.

It is all written in the prophecies and other places in the various Holy Jewish books, which is why it is so clear to the people who know that this is really happening now. It's all written precisely.

But so many people are asleep and don't want to know the truth. They get up in the morning and see the sun shining, eat breakfast, or daven (pray) first and then eat breakfast and go to work. They see that everything is quiet, the stock market goes up and down, it goes up a bit and then down a bit, they can make money meanwhile, they don't have to worry about the future, no, they mustn't worry about the future…

It's alright, we'll just put some shoulder-missile shields on to the planes and then, Baruch Hashem, we can continue to fly safely from place to place… we're still dreaming. We don't want to recognize the truth or make great efforts to do teshuva [repent].

Repenting is a very, very hard thing to do, but I advise every Jew to start the process because there really is no time and it is the only thing that will save us forever. Forever. Do you understand that? Forever.

You must do whole teshuva, complete repentance.

Just like Daniel said (chapter 50); meditate on each one of your sins and feel grief over drifting so far apart from Hashem. Grieve like a boy who left his father and then comes back home asking to return, asking for forgiveness for letting himself go so far away from his beloved father, the father who loves him so much. Only this will save us. Only this.

So, Am Yisrael, get to work, start doing something. We can't just sit and listen to the news without doing anything, without repenting. Just sitting, listening to Ehud Olmert being interrogated or to all the evil people who get away with their evilness and gloat.

We must work hard to return to Hashem and believe in Him. The stock market will fall and the evil-doers will be out of a job, we will forget them completely. But we must understand what is truth and what is not. The materialistic world we created for ourselves is the lie because we took Hashem out of that world and put in His place the Golden Calf.

We pray to Hashem for things we want like health, wealth, marriage and so on, but to put our faith in Him? No. We pray to Hashem, we ask Him - but depend upon the doctors, on social security and the paycheck from our jobs, but not upon Hashem.

It is true, there is more awareness, since the people who are naturally closer to Hashem, now see for themselves, to their delight, that the prophecies are coming true, so the distance between them and complete faith and trust is not that big, but this is not the case for most of the world.

I will finish now by reminding you that the tzaddikim (righteous people) will be glad. The tzaddikim will be happy with the revelations, with the future ahead of us; for the truth will at last become clear.

The medium ones, each according to his spiritual level, will repent. Fore some it will be harder and for some it will be easier. The evil ones will run away to the gentile nations and die there will them.

I want to tell you that the safest place to be is Israel.

The holiest place in the world is Israel.

The holiest place in Israel is Jerusalem and holier than that is Har Habayit and holier than that is Kodesh Hakodashim (the Temple).

People of Israel, you must do some self-examination.

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