English Messages part 3

Chassidei Hashem - join us and write!
Chapters 37 (very good!) and 38

Chapter 37:

Chapter 37 - They didn't want to leave Egypt

Aug.14.2007 FC with Binyamin


The first thing I want to say is that this is the end of all the personal questions and answers. For how long, I don't know.

We were sent here for the purpose of strengthening Am Yisrael, to tell and warn people that if they do not repent, a great tragedy will befall us, Heaven Forbid.

Hashem has an amazing sense of patience, so to speak, but even that will run out because if He lets His children cross the limit with their transgressing, they can lose and risk the entire purpose of the creation.

We do not have much time. We are approaching the end of our exile, which is only a small part of the process of purification that we, the Jewish souls, must go through to reach the final goal and the final creation. This is why we keep going from one difficult situation to the next.

We are already at the stage of birth and the birth has only just begun.

The world is getting ready for the birth.

The physical world is changing, like the weather and everything that is connected to nature:

All the different, strange and incredible phenomenons we have seen over the past few years, including the Tsunami, including the fact that the North and South Poles are melting, strange situations like the weather in Romania reaching 50 degrees Celsius, all kinds of unusual storms in England, floods, a tornado in New York and hurricanes capable of wiping out an entire city like New Orleans.

We are being prepared for a lot of troubles throughout the world; strange and numerous catastrophes. These troubles are the final rectifications of this long exile and not just of the exile but of the entire history beginning with the first man. This is all rectifications and there is no time because the birth is very soon and everything needs to be ready for the birth.

In addition to all this, serious preparations are taking place now for the upcoming war. There are already several horrific wars taking place throughout the world.

But sitting in our comfortable, air-conditioned living-room, we don't really pay attention to these wars, because they are so far away.

And who really cares about a few Sudanese getting murdered, or about how many citizens of Sri Lanka are being murdered, etc. There is also a war going on with the Western world against terrorists - Arab fundamentalists fighting against the Western world; this 'bugs' us a little bit more. But even that we would like to just forget about because it bothers us to think about it. Even with the fall of the Twin Towers, at the time, we were certain the Redemption was coming but then when it didn't and nothing major happened after that, we eventually just forgot about that danger as well.

But after the fall of the twin towers, a lot of things did happen and the world has changed completely.

Europe is turning into an Arab country.
In Pakistan, there is a dangerous threat that radical Muslims will overtake the government. Pakistan also has its secret of nuclear warfare.

And then there is that crazy man in Venezuela who is threatening to close the taps of gasoline. Iran can also close the gas taps, as can Saudi Arabia, and Russia.

And if all the Arab countries close the gasoline taps for the Americans, what will happen then? America does not have enough gasoline to last for very long. Especially, since the Americans have the appetite of a pig, always looking to satisfy their unlimited desires. They use more electricity than any of the other western countries.

Next to the USA, there is a state called Mexico that is becoming more obscene and more dangerous by the day.

The whole world, through elements of nature and the threats of war, is about to change, explode and come falling down upon all those that are against Hashem.

Now is the time of examination.

Every person has a file that is now being looked over and examined to see if there is any way to save them. This is being done for everyone, adults and children, men and women. And it's not at all simple. The world must undergo a major transformation - from a world of deceit to a world of truth.

What is a world of deceit?

This is a world that is supposedly based on fulfilling the will of man as oppose to the will of Hashem. To serve this purpose, man has created for himself his own Ten Commandments, and all of them start with, "I want, I need, I must have." Such a world evolves around the person alone and his desires. Among such people are those who live for the entire purpose of fulfilling and getting pleasure out of their passions and desires as well as those who are supposedly more on the gentle side and also seek some spirituality. Yet, even the spirituality they seek is not Hashem; it's their own form of idolatry.

Did you ever wonder about the Jews who never left Egypt?
How could it be that they were so attached to the Egyptians idolatries? Even though they kept their names, language and way of dress, in other words, they were religious, but they were still bowing down to idols!

How is it possible that even with all the miracles, they still did not want to leave Egypt?
The truth is that they did not want to leave their idolatries.
What does this mean?
It means that idol worshipping does have a form of power. It's not just some piece of rock.

And somehow it uplifted people's spirits and 'fulfilled' their needs and gave them pleasure and a good feeling.

How is this possible?
It's simple; there is some form of power in everything.

Every entity in this world has 'life'. You can take a rock and look into the life of the rock - every thing in this world has some kind of life - and within that rock you can find a sense of pleasure, a sensation that gives you a good feeling. Some people say that this is the idol that will bring them their salvation and yet it is the idol that wants everything that is forbidden in the Torah and that is very pleasurable.

People have built a world of deceit, a world where black is white; a world that is the opposite of truth; that is based upon the lies of the body's physical desires. It is not based upon the truth of the soul; it is based upon the lies of the physical body.

The situation today is very similar.

There are people who are considered leaders in this world, who claim there is 'democracy'. Democracy means that every person is free to do as they please, as long as they're not killing anyone or stealing from people, etc.

But truthfully, as soon as you give a person the freedom to allow his passions to run free, you will not be able to prevent him from stealing, murdering and doing things that are even worse than these.

Therefore, even the Jews who dress like Jews, in their hearts they still supposedly want this 'freedom', this 'democracy', to do whatever they want whenever they want. These people will not be able to live in a world of truth.

What is a 'world of truth'?

A World of truth is nothing but the will of Hashem. And after Moshiach comes, it will be a world without an evil inclination. Everyone will want to do nothing else but serve Hashem - nothing else at all.

Therefore it is difficult for people to even imagine what a wonderful world it will be. But we will live from morning till night and from night till morning for the sole purpose of serving Hashem.

And the pleasure will be tremendous. Yet even this is only a part of the process that will eventually bring us to the final stage of completeness - shleimus.

This is the birth.

This is the time of the birth and the Redemption is the baby. And the baby will grow, and then there will be more changes. But that stage is too complicated to speak about.

It's not going to be simple; it's not going to be simple at all.

Hashem sent us prophets, true prophets - Nevi'ei Emes:

Yirmiyahu, Yeshayahu, Amos, etc. and a lot of tzaddikim who wrote commentaries about the words of the prophets and wonder of wonders! Everything they wrote is precisely what is happening now!

Hashem sent them to show Am Yisrael what will happen, how to understand it, and what needs to be done in order to be saved.

But most of the Jewish people and most of the gentile people are not giving any thought whatsoever to the prophecies and what is happening now in the world. Out of curiosity they speak about it a little here and there, as something interesting to discuss but nothing more. After that they just go on living the lies.

Now, as we are nearing the actual birth the pangs will be much more severe.
The Jews will suffer.
The whole world will suffer.

Edom will be completely destroyed, and there will be a war here (in Israel) that everyone knows as Gog uMagog.

What we are facing is not a simple matter - all the wars, the immense danger, all the suffering, the nuclear warfare, etc.

Everyone can see that here in Israel, the people are expecting a huge and very dangerous war to break out anytime soon, no other reality is possible, and they don't need prophecies to tell them that. It's already a fact.

However, Hashem does not need an atomic bomb to wipe out an entire country; He can just lift a finger, so to speak, and make it all disappear in a second.

And if it's says in the prophecies that Edom will be completely destroyed, then that is what will happen.

And if He says that the righteous people who repent will get through this dangerous period and survive, then that is what will be.

Oy, oy, oy, oy, Am Yisrael, why are you - why are we so stubborn (
קשי עורף, stiff necked)?

Why, why don't we understand the danger we are facing and that it is all happening so that we may be saved and achieve the completeness of the creation?
Completeness of creation. Shleimus habri-ah.

What is better - to come to completeness or to remain broken and depressed, like drunks who lie in their own vomit?

What more can I tell you? What else can be said?
Open your eyes. Look how low this generation has sunk that instead of seeking the path Hashem directed us to follow in the holy books, they need to listen to some poor autistic people. Indeed, this is a generation where many normal people are behaving like autistic people. They are totally disconnected from the truth. The autistic people themselves are more normal because we are connected to the truth.

And when the complete Redemption arrives, our bodies will begin to function and our souls will remain pure.
And then, together with all of the Tzaddikim - the righteous Jews, we will go up to Beis Hamikdash and give sacrifices to Hashem.

Chapter 38:

Chapter 38 a - The blowing of the Shofar has already begun.

Aug. 20.2007 FC with Daniel


I want to say that we are all rectifying ourselves. It's all tikkunim - rectifications, rectifications, and more rectifications.

The entire short time we have in this world is for the sole purpose of rectifying, rectifying and rectifying.

(Aloud) Until Moshiach comes.

What are we rectifying so much?

Hashem created the first man and made him perfect.

Nevertheless, he had one weakness: he wanted to know too much. He was attracted to knowledge beyond what was necessary, since the Evil Inclination had been created already at the time of the creation of the world. And Adam was drawn to it because he wanted to know everything.

The first man did not originally have an evil inclination but he knew that the Evil One existed and he wanted to sanctify Hashem even more and to be able to fight and overcome the Evil Inclination for the sake of Hashem.

But once the Evil One was inside of him, man [Adam] was unable to completely overcome it and get rid of it until now.

Nowadays the Evil One takes on many shapes and forms. Materialism: that is the evil inclination we are fighting against today. Aside from that, though, we also have distorted feelings, distorted thoughts, all sorts of desires and things that are not clear to us and this causes great confusion for us.

There is even a type of Evil Inclination that lets us believe that we are completely righteous, tzaddikim gemurim, and even if a person looks 100% like a tzaddik, this may not always be the case.

The Evil One is always lurking inside the person even if it seems like the person is the one in control.

This has been the problem throughout all the generations. And now we are rectifying this with all kinds of things - all sorts of situations that we failed with over the past thousands of years.

We are now at the end of all rectifications, which is why so many things are going on now in the world; it is full of all sorts of situations and everything is changing at the speed of lightening - we barely finish one thing and already the next thing has begun.

This is the case throughout the world as well as in our own personal lives. It's all rectifications - tikkunim.

Even when we come to the end of all these rectifications, G-d Willing, we will still not be complete. Hashem is going to make all sorts of things happen and eventually, He Himself will purify us and bring us to completeness.

Get ready; prepare yourselves.
You, us, Am Yisrael; we are not going to be so complete (righteous) that we will be deserving of the Redemption. Oh no.

But Hashem will simply have mercy upon us and He will save those that are at least making an effort. But it won't be easy. Even those who are making an effort still have all kinds of worries (concerns).

The righteous ones will have a much easier time getting through it. The people that are in between (neither righteous nor evil) will suffer, but eventually, they, too, will be saved. The wicked will disappear from the existent world completely. They will not exist at all and Hashem will erase them, lo aleynu, lo aleynu, lo aleynu (may this not happen to us).

Prepare yourselves, Jews, prepare yourselves.

You must now do real Torah [learning and following], really good deeds, and real prayers.

Pray for the Jewish people.

Pray that we should be able to atone for all of our sins and love every single Jew.

Be prepared Am Yisrael.

The blowing of the Shofar has already begun.

Prepare yourselves, if you want to live; if you want to live for eternity.

(I'm adding here a part taken from the Hebrew Q& A: Daniel's descriptions of the other autistic men whose messages appear on the site)

Binyamin Golden: Age 33. He is our tzaddik.

He came to this world completely by choice (as opposed to the others who were sent here for tikkunim) in order to help Am Yisrael. He does not speak verbally at all. He is a quiet person and does whatever he is told. But as for his soul - it is very lofty. It is a soul inside of a sacred body.

Menachem: Over 40 years old, comes from an important family, his father is a Rosh Yeshiva and he has been communicating through FC for almost 10 years. He is a very special soul. His physical behavior has improved immensely since he started communicating this way. Before communicating, he was violent and closed off from the world. Since he has been communicating he is much less violent and a lot happier.

Shimon: He comes from a family that unfortunately has 3 other brain-damaged children. He is forty years old, can speak verbally and is very friendly. Since he started communicating this way, his self-image has improved a lot.

Ahrah'leh: A true chassid in every sense of the word, has a tremendous amount of yiras Shamayim (Fear of Heaven). He can speak verbally and often he will say some very amazing things, things that he would have had no way of knowing as a regular person. In the past he predicted various things that were going to happen and they materialized. He is a real tzaddik. All day long he walks to shul and to the Kosel constantly holding on to his tzitzis.

Lipi: He is a thirty year old tzaddik who came here from the U.S.A. He is a friendly person and used to speak but unfortunately he suffers from a syndrome where the body physically deteriorates, may Hashem save him. He is gentle and sensitive.

Yisrael: He can speak verbally and knows a lot of things that other people do not know. He can suddenly say them out loud. He is around 25 years old.

Chapter 38 c

FC with Lipi


I'm very happy to be writing this message; my mother will be so pleased.

She's very happy when I write.

As a Jew who was born and raised in America, I have a request to all the Jews in America: Open your eyes and see what is happening around you.

Count the tragedies, lo aleinu, that have been happening and help the Jews who have problems. Look at all the trouble people have with shlom bayis, (matters relating to peace in the home) and pay attention to all those Jews who don't even have bread.

Look around you and notice all the natural disasters that have been happening, the accidents and so on, lo aleinu, and you will realize that the end is approaching. And whoever is still attached to the idols of the Egyptians, to materialism, the materialism of the gentile nations; that Jew will not survive.

What will happen to him?

He will get left behind in the plague of darkness (like what happened in Egypt where most of the Jews died in the plague of darkness).

What will be?

I love the Jewish people so much; I love each and every Jew. My heart breaks to think that even one Jew - even a finger of a Jew will remain forever without life.

Sweet Jews, pure Jews, holy Jews, Hashem loves His nation, but those who choose not to be a part of His nation, even if they look like they still belong, they won't survive; they won't live to receive our righteous Moshiach.

And that does not mean that they won't live in this world but they will at least live in the Olam Ha-ba, the World to Come. No, they will not have that (the Olam Ha-ba) either, Heaven Forbid.

Woe to the Jewish people, woe to the Jewish nation, beloved ones of Hashem, blessed He.

Oy, Am Yisrael, Oy, Am Yisrael; return to Hashem.

Repent and return to the truth.

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