English Messages part 12.

Chassidei Hashem - join us and write!

Chapters 75, 76, 77

Chapter 75:

Chapter 75 The greatest moment in history

FC with Binyamin Q&A Feb.2.08

Daniel's Abba: What do you think about all our preparations for the sacks and ashes campaigns?

Binyamin: I am very excited because the Geula is near and it is approaching now at a very great speed. And the fact that Jews are coming together, wearing sacks on their bodies and ashes upon their heads, sitting upon the floor and weeping, beating their hearts and feeling so sorry for all their sins, wanting to do real teshuva, might be reason enough for Hashem to save Am Yisrael and bring us the Redemption with mercy.

The way to bring the Redemption closer is by lowering our heads and our pride, then looking up to Heaven and asking Hashem for forgiveness and mercy. And this (the sacks and ashes campaigns) is a very strong sign that the Geula is so close, you can taste it already.

But, unfortunately, most of the people are still wrapped up in their world of gashmius (materialism) which allows them physical pleasures that are much easier to attain (i.e. easier to attain than the pleasures of the Geula which involves a lot of hard work).

Abba: You have all spoken a lot against wigs. Someone asked me how can you - the autistic and brain-damaged people - interpret halachos (Torah laws). Only Rabbis have that authority, no?

Binyamin: That's true, but the matter of wigs does not fall under that category. It falls under the category of eating pork. No one can rule that pork is kosher. No Rabbi can rule that pork is kosher and the wigs of today are like eating pork. It is not even a question. There isn't even a question of whether wigs are permissible or not. All the wigs available today are forbidden to wear. Any person with even a little bit of common sense realizes that they are forbidden. It's just like when a woman walks around without a blouse - it is obvious that this is forbidden, one does not need to ask a Rabbi if that is permitted or forbidden.

When women began wearing wigs over a hundred and fifty years ago, because the goyim forbade Jewish women to cover their hair, the great Rabbis of that generation knew and saw visions of the future of wig-wearing and therefore forbade it.

Abba: But it's hard to stand up against everyone on this matter - our friends, the public, etc…

Binyamin: Now is the time for messirus nefesh (true devotion). A person looking for shortcuts will not live to receive our righteous Moshiach. A person who believes that his actions will go unpunished, that he can continue living his imaginary life, will not survive, G-d Forbid. We must return now to Hashem with all our will and all our might.

This means we must clean ourselves out of all the unnecessary things of this world and sit only in the house of Hashem (Psalms 27: "I will sit in the house of Hashem all the days of my life).

Soon, very great things will take place and then I will speak more in length.

I just want to remind everyone that there is only one way to be saved and that is by doing teshuva.

We must recognize the truth, make efforts to do the will of Hashem and not give ourselves all kinds of allowances. Become radical Jews! What does it mean to be a radical Jew? It means following the will of Hashem all the way, with all the hidur (elegance and flair).

Abba: How come you have been speaking so much lately about sacks and ashes?

Binyamin: Sacks and ashes are external things. A person wears a sack which is something materialistic, something you can touch, while its' purpose is to lower the person's pride (Shulchan Aruch) and bring him to a state of weeping and feeling that he lost out on a great and beautiful world; he lost Beis Hamikdash and the korbanos (sacrifices). He must come to feel the intensity of the great loss of these two things. He must realize the immense greatness of this loss.

The person sits on the ground wearing sacks on his body and ashes upon his head because he is in mourning. He weeps over everything he has lost on account of his sins throughout all of his reincarnated lifetimes. This is the time to weep, feel sorry and say to Hashem: "I sinned, I transgressed… forgive me and all of Am Yisrael, etc." and ask Hashem to bring us the complete Redemption, the third Beis Hamikdash, the korbanos and our righteous Moshiach.

It is really a matter of pikuach nefesh (life-saving) for Jews to participate in these prayers now, to give themselves the chance to prepare for the greatest moment ever, which we are about to see very soon. For those that are prepared, mentally and spiritually, it is going to be the absolute greatest moment in history. But for those that are not prepared, G-d Forbid, who have not done teshuva, who have not lowered their pride, who have not wept over their sins, for them it will be the most frightening day in history. That day will be their end, G-d forbid. May Hashem have mercy on us all.

Chapter 76:

Chapter 76 FC with Daniel Q&A


Daniel: I want to say that the tragedy that took place last week was only the beginning of all the difficult times we are approaching and again, whoever wants to survive MUST do teshuva. This means doing self examination, internally and externally to see where we have gone against the will of Hashem and then feel so sorry about it that we would shed buckets upon buckets of tears. We must then make the firm decision to fulfill the will of Hashem, pick up a stone and smash anything that has any remote connection to the "Egel hazahav" (materialism and the pleasures of this world) until it turns into nothing but dust.

It was not by chance that that specific yeshiva was chosen. Not by chance at all. Nor were any of the other acts of terror. They all cause us to want to do some deep thinking.

Every tragedy that takes place has a specific reason, a root, and there is a reason that we cannot understand. We must therefore try and figure out the reason that we are able to understand.

Abba: Why was that yeshiva chosen?

Daniel: The Dati-Leumi (modern orthodox) movement tries very hard to be the elite of the Zionists. They think they have secured themselves a place in this world as well as in the next world.

A person that is truly spiritual does not feel that he possesses any power, that only Hashem possesses power. This is a person who believes that the reason of existence is Torah, mitzvos etc. and that this world is purely for the sake of fulfilling Hashem's will from morning to night and from night to morning and nothing else but the will of Hashem.

Yet, in the case of the dati-leumi, this is not their entire goal.These are not people whose entire lives evolve around the constant fulfilling of Hashem's will; these people think they can be part of the secular world as well as being religious -more or less believing in Hashem. A person who seeks education from the secular - Hellenistic world must return to the real, proper Yiddishkeit and become a true follower of Hashem.

The Dati-Leumi Jews have great weaknesses when it comes to Yiddishkeit.

The difference between the weakness that has ensnared the Charedi community lately, and the weakness of the Dati-Leumi community is, with the Dati-Leumi, their weakness is a part of their idealism whereas with the Charedim it is just a personal weakness each individual has with his or her connection to this world.

The Yiddishkeit of the so-called radical Jews or Ultra Orthodox is true Yiddishkeit.

Abba: The eight people that were killed were all complete tzaddikim, no?

Daniel: Of course they were all tzaddikim. They were simply the sacrifices of this generation, just like the tzaddikim that passed away during the holocaust. The sacrifice needs to be complete and they were complete.

Abba: Is there anything you want to add?

Daniel: I just want to say that in the very near future there will be some very amazing and terrifying developments and it is crucial for people to do self-examination and figure out where they are defying the will of Hashem.

Abba: What do you think about the 'sacks and ashes'?

Daniel: I am very excited about it although it's not exactly being done the way it's supposed to and the amount of people doing it is not very big, but it is the base and Be'ezras Hashem that base will grow and save many Jews.

There are going to be such harsh times soon, people won't know where to turn and will be forced to turn to Hashem. They will have to try and figure out how to turn to Hashem because so many people have forgotten the way, so now they will have to search for it.

Abba: When should we have the next 'sacks and ashes' campaign?

Daniel: Rosh Chodesh Nissan, if a tragedy does not occur beforehand.

If something big happens before, then we will speak again.

Abba: Someone asked me what are our chances of the Geula coming with ease and mercy?

Daniel: That depends upon all of Am Yisrael.

Abba: What do you think about the prayers in the streets with fifty children?

Daniel: Very impressive, very impressive.

Abba: In Ofakim over 100 people attended. The Rabbi of the city gave a drasha (Torah speech) and I heard that the prayers there were very strong.

Daniel: That is very important and since Kassam rockets have fallen in Ofakim, they knew how to pray from the heart.

When there is fear, and that is what is about to take place - a very great fear, it can bring the people closer to Hashem. And that means everywhere, not just in Netivot, Sderot, Ashkelon, Ofakim, up North and down South.

Abba: You know, I ran out of sacks. I had 1000 altogether. Should I make more?

Daniel: Make two-thousand.

Abba: Two thousand?!

Daniel: Yes.

Abba: Someone sent us an email, asking if Daniel can give us some short notice before the big things take place?

Daniel: If a person is prepared, he does not need any notice.

Abba: Are you and the other autistic people (who give messages) all in tuned with each other at all times?

Daniel: Yes.

Abba: With Galia as well?

Daniel: With everyone. Galia is simply showing people a different angle.

Abba: Her new message is so gentle, full of love.

Daniel: That's why the people need her as well as the rest of us. Because the reality we are facing is very harsh, they sent in Galia to relax some of the people. People are starting to panic; they don't know which way to turn first.

There are even Jews who don't know there is such a thing as the Geula and that that is what is supposed to happen. They are taken aback by all this.

Abba: I thought perhaps Galia's messages were intended more for women, no?

Daniel: Not (just) for the women; the men are actually more liable to panic.

(We all laughed at that)

The person who helped arrange the 'sacks and ashes' march in Jerusalem called and asked how it was, in Daniel's eyes.

Daniel: What they did was excellent (they marched from the Geula neighborhood all the way to the kosel (Western Wall) wearing sacks and ashes although there were not very many people but the amount will grow. It will grow very big when the missiles start falling all over the place, G-d forbid or when other disasters, lo aleinu happen and then people will start running, frantically looking for Hashem.

Abba: Someone suggested we do this in the streets and not just in Jerusalem. Every day somewhere else, with loudspeakers, tallises and sacks to arouse people to do teshuva.

Daniel. Not yet, it's not yet time. It's a great idea but the time for that has not yet come.

Abba: Daniel, should we be sitting on the ground during the 'sacks and ashes' campaigns?

Daniel: That is a big part of the whole matter of sacks and ashes; a person sitting humiliated on the ground mourning over everything we lost on account of our sins.

Abba: A yeshiva asked us for a donation. Should I tell them I will donate to them if they do a 'sacks and ashes' assembly?

Daniel: Definitely. If they say that they don't want to cancel the learning time, tell them it is an emergency. Abba, whoever wants a donation has to first do teshuva. You don't like suicidal people, only people who want to live. Whoever wants to live must do teshuva. You are prepared to invest only in those who have a future.

I want to explain something; when a person is dying - let's say he's drowning, as he's drowning, if he suddenly asks you for some ice cream you would say, "are you crazy?! You can have ice cream, but take hold of a lifeline first and save yourself! Then you can have your ice cream!"

People must now do teshuva. You should bring the awareness of this to the yeshiva boys and kollel men. A large amount of the Yeshiva boys are completely on the wrong track and their lives are thus in great danger. If we want to save them we must get them to start a 'teshuva campaign'.

The Rosh yeshiva should lead the prayers with shouts and cries, they should accept upon themselves the yoke of Heaven and he should say strengthening words of Torah. If they won't then, don't donate.

Chapter 77:

Chapter 77: Soon all of Israel will look like Sderot

FC with Daniel March/2008


Message to the residents of Sderot:

Dear residents of Sderot,

I know how difficult your lives are; from moment to moment you don't know from where the next bomb will come. As hard as it is though, Hashem does love you and He is using this situation to give you the chance to return to him - to do teshuva.

When a person sees that he has no one to rely upon for help, not the army, not the police, not the government, he knows - and not just by thought, he knows and realizes inside and out, that there is no one else to rely upon aside from Hakadosh Baruch Hu (G-d).

Now, the residents of Sderot are being given their greatest opportunity to return to Hashem and do complete teshuva. In the very near future, really near, all of Israel is going to look just like Sderot.

I pray with all my heart that throughout all of Israel, there will be very great and blatant miracles as Sderot has been witnessing until now and that the miracles will cause masses of people to return to our Father in Heaven and to His Torah and I pray there will be no victims, that Hashem will just frighten us enough to wake us up.

If, G-d forbid, we do not wake up, then I don't even want to try and imagine what could happen.

Hashem loves His people, Am Yisrael, and He wants them to return to Him. Let us all start the process of returning to Him and begin specifically with Sderot and may we, all of Am Yisrael, merit receiving our righteous Moshiach with joy, soon, in our day, amen.

Message to the volunteers who distribute the messages:

To all the distributors,

I want to wish you all a happy Purim and may we all merit the complete Redemption. I want to thank you all for your efforts, trying to save Am Yisrael.

We are rapidly approaching the end. Anyone can see this. One does not need to be autistic to see this now. And those who believe in Hashem, who put their trust in Hashem, those who are truly waiting for Moshiach, those who weep over the destruction of Beis Hamikdash, those who want to spend the rest of their lives "in the house of Hashem", all these will merit receiving our righteous Moshiach and will live to enjoy the next world.

I bless us, all of Am Yisrael that we should merit receiving our righteous Moshiach very soon, our righteous Moshiach ben David.

Message to the organizers of "sacks and ashes":

Woe to us, what awaits us, woe to Am Yisrael and woe to the world. These are the final and most difficult tikkunim (rectifications). Yet, those who, with all their hearts and their entire beings, go and wear sacks on their bodies and put ashes on their heads, lower their pride, sit on the ground and weep over everything we have lost on account of all our sins, weep over the grief of the Shechina (Divine Presence), over Beis Hamikdash, Eretz Yisrael, all those who are weeping and shedding many tears, repenting and making the firm decision to change their ways and go now only in the way of Hashem, who have decided to live only according to the will of Hashem, with G-d's help, only these people have the chance of saving themselves and other Jews as well. And I bless everyone that we should all merit receiving our righteous Moshiach and also that we should be able to enjoy the next world.

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