English Messages part 11.

Chassidei Hashem - join us and write!

Chapters 70, 72, 73 (Midrash about the messages).

Chapter 70:

Chapter 70 The world is in total chaos

FC with Binyamin Feb.14.08


It is clear to all that the world is on the verge of collapse. Every day, every day something happens in some place or another throughout the world; something terrible, frightening and unexplainable. Often, more than one thing happens in one day.

And we, Jews, who live in Israel, are all experiencing very difficult times, anyone can see this.

The Arabs are closing in on us from every direction; the South, the North, the West, the East, from every which way they can. And these are certainly not the Arabs that were around in the time of the Six Day War, who left their shoes and fled; the ones who were forced against their will by the Egyptians to get out of the military trucks and fight and if they refused, were severely beaten.

The Arabs of today have a military of their own, more than adequately prepared to fight a real war, fully equipped with all the latest, advanced weaponry.

Moreover, the amount of Arabs there are in the world today, by far, surpasses the amount of Jews.

If our situation was like that of the Jews during the time of the Chanukah story, where the "few fought against the many, the righteous against the wicked, the pure against the impure" [see "Al hanisim" in the siddur], then maybe we would stand a chance against the Arab world.

But in our day, the "few" as well as the "many" consist of the impure, the wicked and the unworthy.

That is really very, very sad.

I wouldn't say that all the Jews are unworthy, that is not true. But the truth is that at this time, very few are really worthy.

However, this situation can change in a second! How? If we make the decision to do teshuva, to really repent inside and outside, in every corner possible and decide that from this moment onwards, with Hashem's help, we will only do the will of Hashem or at least make tremendous efforts to follow His way and observe His mitzvos.

Yet, even with all the troubles we are all witnessing and with the obvious fact that what is called "the state of Israel" is facing the greatest threat to its existence it has ever faced, even though people can see this very plainly, they still refuse to accept the truth!

Some do recognize the truth, only a few, but with one hand on the 'Golden Calf' (materialism, etc.) and the other hand on their tzitzis. But this is just not enough.

We must pick up the Golden Calf and throw it down so hard that all that will remain from it would be dust. Dust, turn it into dust!

Only then can we really begin to do teshuva.

Oy, Am Yisrael, Am Yisrael, Am Yisrael, what can I tell you?

Hashem is going to completely uproot any thing that goes against the Torah.

Every building or establishment the Zionists, haters of Israel, have built, everything that was founded by the Erev Rav (the Egyptians that became to Jewish to leave Egypt), will be completely uprooted by Hashem and will cease to exist. Every heretic, Epikorus or haters of Am Yisrael will be destroyed from the root.

It is not simple and it is very frightening. What more can I tell you? What else is left to say?

Open your eyes and you will see that it is all taking place right now, as we speak.

Everything is happening according to what is written in the prophecies.

Whether it is the war between Ishmael and Edom,

or between Ishmael and Israel,

the tremendous and strange natural disasters,

the many difficult and unnatural wars threatening to attack us, G-d Forbid,

or the fact that the water level of the ocean is rising and the ice on the North and South poles are melting…

The world is in total chaos!

Chaos of nature, chaos of the political world, chaos from the multiple and vicious wars occurring worldwide.

Everyone is becoming afraid. Only the foolish people are not afraid.

The people that are afraid are nevertheless attempting to go on living a normal life. But, the materialism of this world has suddenly lost its taste.

When fear of existence comes into the picture, the taste for materialism decreases. Such a person is in a most difficult situation because if he does not have the materialism he so depends upon, what does he have left?

He lives a purely materialistic life. He would even prefer to die with his money in his hands and with his constant concern for the Golden Calf (materialistic things) then to leave it all behind.

He sees the World to Come as something like New York, Paris or Florida, as though he were going away on a vacation… Oy, woe to us!

I'm going to tell you now some things and after that I see no reason to give any more messages until something so major happens that all at once the entire world will be forced to open their eyes. But this doesn’t necessarily mean they will open their eyes and understand the truth.

Likewise, it does not mean that people will be prepared to give up on the famous 'American Dream', the pink dream that dictates for them what they need to do in order to be successful in this world.

No, they will be afraid at first, and then just figure, "Well, how long can this really go on, anyway…" Then they will start planning how to get through it and go right back to where they were before it all began.

But there is no going back to what was.

And only a person who is truly longing for the Moshiach and is connected to Hakadosh Boruch Hu (Hashem), who does true teshuva (repentance), will be able to live in the world that will remain after the upcoming and final war.

Prepare yourselves for the new world, the world which is also the bridge to the next stage - an even greater level of shleimus (completeness). Prepare yourselves now, because there will not be another chance to do so in the future. Right now, prepare yourselves.

Again, I ask, I am crying and asking: Am Yisrael, prepare yourselves for the next world. Go, prepare yourselves quickly! There is simply no time!

You can't now say what you have always said, "you autistic people are always saying "soon" but then nothing happens…" Everyone can see that we are already there - "soon" is happening now, as we speak.

Here and there people are claiming that there are still another seven years until the Moshiach comes. I'm telling you now very clearly that this is absolutely not true; there are not seven more years. We don't know if it will be seven months or perhaps even seven weeks. There is no way to know the exact time.

But when the end of this world approaches, when all the real troubles begin, there will not even be time to think about doing teshuva.

I want to repeat and emphasize again; it will not be another seven years, G-d Willing. Maybe seven months or seven weeks - maybe even less. When the real trouble starts, there will be neither time nor the proper frame of mind for people to be able to do complete teshuva. Partial teshuva, maybe, but partial is just not good enough.

Again, I am asking - pleading - Am Yisrael, it is time for you to realize what is happening now. Open your eyes and see the truth! Go, immediately and fill up the shuls (synagogues). Weep and pray with all your hearts to Hashem, wearing sacks upon your bodies and ashes on your heads. Cry many tears and ask Hashem to forgive all of your sins.

Ask Him to give you the strength to stand up against the society that has dropped to such spiritually and morally low levels - this society of secularists, modern-orthodox and even ultra-orthodox Jews who have gone off the right path, and return to the truth without fear!

You don't realize that returning to the truth is not a frightening thing - its salvation!

I want to emphasize once more what I have said in the past, that the world as we know it, is 'taking its final breaths'.

In the end, every man will be left alone with only himself and Hashem.

On the Day of Judgment it is every man for himself.

Am Yisrael, Hashem's beloved children; it is time to return home.

There is no time. We are at the end.

The final years of this world are very harsh and each year is harder than the previous. This year will be the height of all the worldwide difficulties and tragedies - of the natural disasters, the strange and unnatural tragedies and the vicious wars taking place throughout the entire world.

Even we, the Chareidim (Ultra-Orthodox), have reached a peak of personal troubles and tragedies - widowers, orphans, young widows, horrible illnesses befalling Jews of all ages and all sorts of strange and unnatural tragedies.

And we don't understand why all this is happening. "We have been learning so much Torah, doing an abundance of chessed (kind acts), so many people have been doing teshuva lately, and people are more and more keeping kosher all over the world…

Family Purity has been observed more and more and parents make sure to give their children charedi education.

So, what's wrong? What?! The yeshivas are filled with learning boys and men and all the girls want to marry men who will learn Torah.

So then what is wrong? This situation is our grandparents' dream…"

But what appears to us to be an almost perfect world, a world where being charedi is so advanced and so normal that a lot of Jews even have a separate kitchen for Pesach - this 'almost perfect' world is not perfect at all.

This world is beautiful externally but internally it is corrupt. It is disintegrating from within and even a slight breeze is enough to bring down the entire foundation. Yes, everything is rotting from the inside out.

Let's take a closer look at the situation together:

The Jews who are considered the more modern of the Charedi sector are completely in love with the 'Golden Calf'.

They want to live the life of the Goyim (non-Jews) but "with a good hechsher". This is why you can find an abundance of restaurants and entertainment places now, that all have "a good hechsher".

Families can go away for Pesach on a luxurious cruise that has a super hechsher and G-d Forbid, without Gebrokts, of course, or spend Succos in Disneyland and Shavuous in Hawaii and everything comes with a "hechsher".

The Israelis, who are considered modern, perhaps travel less abroad, but they too are trying to imitate this way of life. Yet, at the same time they make sure to donate a lot of money to yeshivas and so on and are considered the 'greatest tzaddikim around…'

They give a lot of money to Kollel managers and Rabbis of Yeshivas, etc. and therefore, even though their own modesty is questionable, and the materialistic life styles they lead are completely unkosher, they are nevertheless considered to be "chashuv chareidim" ('V.I.P.' Charedi Jews).

These people can be found both among the Chassidim and among the Litvishers and 'regular' Chareidim (i.e. sefaradi or Ashkenazi). Each sector and their dress-code, and their clothes make them appear to be Charedi. But if you really want to know more about the families, you should take a look at the wives and daughters. That will give you the complete story.

This group of people is also very quick to accept all sorts of 'heters' (allowances and easing in Jewish laws), it's not such a big deal in their eyes to get one heter or another - and these are the people supporting the yeshivas!

And what about our sacred Yeshivas?

That is our greatest problem because most of the yeshivas are full of learning but empty of feeling and of Hashem's Divine Presence. How can people learn for the sake of Heaven without feelings? This is why Hashem's presence is not found there.

In this generation many yeshiva-boys and men care only about themselves and their own personal needs: housing, clothing, weddings and finding a bride who will financially support them so they may continue to learn. But how many of them are truly leaning? They sit, read a newspaper, play around with all sorts of gadgets and things and also do some learning. Yet this learning is not real learning and the Torah they learn is not for the sake of Heaven.

Some of the Rosh Yeshivas, have literally had to sell their souls to donors who are either modern, Zionists or people who are somewhere in between. Yet these yeshiva-heads are also mostly concerned with their own needs and honor. Obviously not all the Rosh Yeshivas are like this, but this is the tendency of our generation.

The selfishness is the biggest problem. There is selfishness among the men who are learning, among the modern Charedim, among the business men and among the heads of the yeshivas and kollels. Again, not everyone is like this.

But this is certainly the tendency and everyone knows this. And this is what is causing all the deaths in our community nowadays. Even the chessed we perform is often for selfish reasons as is our Torah-learning and the mitzvos we perform. This is precisely the problem.

Sometimes, the Charedi Jew who is considered the most orthodox is actually the biggest problem since most of what he does is not for the sake of Heaven.

I want to say something to all the Charedim and to every Jew who believes in Hashem and to all of our Charedi leaders (the great Rabbis): if you don't do something fast, a terrible tragedy will befall us and this is something even the biggest fool can predict.

Let me tell you what you must do now: You must stop all the unfounded hatred. Everyone must stop sitting in their specific group they belong to, and grabbing the biggest piece of the cake and continuously fighting over each and every other piece as well.

You must realize that all the elegant yeshiva buildings and shuls are about to fall apart. They will fall apart first inside and then outside, if you do not all unite under the flag of Hashem. You must all, together, clean out your hearts and your streets from every goyish (non-Jewish) thing [from all the non-Jewish influences, etc.]. EVERYTHING!!!

Then, pick up the Aron Hakodesh (Holy Arks) with the Sefer Torahs and go out into the streets together, men and women separately, and put ashes on your heads and sacks upon your bodies and say Vidui (Confession prayers in the siddur) and ask Hashem for forgiveness and salvation. But you must do this with real tears. You must cry together! Together! Together!

Then, you must go and rebuild our precious community by being true Jews - Jews who put their faith completely in Hashem; not in money, in computers or any of the other gadgets and toys of this world, or in Social Security and so on.

Then there will be peace, Moshiach and the next world.

Anyone who understands this, any Talmid Chacham who understands this and does not make an effort to stop all these problems will be judged in Heaven for this. Not only people who do the actual sins will be judged, so will all those who watch in silence and do not try and stop it.

Their silence is also a sin.

Chapter 72:

Chapter 72 The tragedy of this generation

FC with Binyamin Feb.14.08


(This session took place between Binyamin and a group of women)

We will discuss the situation of modesty in this generation and the importance of modesty. Of course we can only speak about the Chareidim because the secular Jews do not have even the basic concept of modesty and as for the modern orthodox world - the Dati-Leumi; their whole concept of modesty is completely warped from the beginning.

The Chareidi Jews are supposed to be the holiest, but a lot, and in fact, most of the Chareidi community is very confused when it comes to this vital matter. There are those who want both the secular - goyish - Hellenistic world together with Yiddishkeit; their whole desire is to combine Yiddishkeit with goyish concepts, particularly regarding modesty.

"Kedoshim Tihiyu" ("And you shall be holy") is the essence of Yiddishkeit [Judaism]. However, the concept "kedoshim" in this generation has taken on a completely warped meaning. According to the Hellenistic terms, kedoshim means: A Torah- learning Charedi Jew, dressed in black, wearing a white shirt, a black hat and either a short or long black jacket.

But in many cases, this man's wife is walking around wearing a beautiful wig, with real hair and a skin colored part to look like a real head - really beautiful hair, looking exactly like a non-Jewish model! The sleeves of the shirt she wears just barely cover her elbows, the top button of her shirt is open, her shirt is tight against her body, her skirt is short and not wide and her stockings are transparent. As for the shoes, if she wants to dress comfortably, she wears white tennis shoes and if not, she wears shoes with very high heels that click loudly against the floor, plus makeup, plus jewelry, and so on and so on, just like the non-Jewish women. Sadly enough, this is how a lot of the wives of the Charedi men look nowadays.

There are righteous women whose husbands are really sitting and learning Torah properly and they - the women - may be either Rebbetzins (wives of Rabbis) or wives of well-known Talmidei Chachamim (Torah scholars). These women wear a short and simple looking wig, perhaps with a hat on top, with relatively modest clothes and thick stockings.

Then there are even more righteous women who are wearing shawls upon their heads and over their shoulders, wide long skirts, loose-fitting shirts, without makeup on their face, without jewelry, etc. and everything about them is modest. These women are a true example for real modesty.

Regarding the Yerushalmiot, though, there are those who wear black tichels on their head, but yet the way they dress goes completely against the teachings of their Rebbe, the Shomer Imunim, zt"l. These women wear short skirts that show at least part of the leg, and so on. Although there are some Yerushalmiot who wear longer skirts, still, many of these skirts are considered immodest because they are tight on the body and certain movements show the shape of the leg. Their stockings may be black but they are still often transparent. Often, they wear Jewelry and makeup and this is a most strange and unfortunate thing.

These women make fun of the most righteous women who are wearing shawls on their heads and over their shoulders, wide clothes and so on. Why do they make fun of them? Because they are terrified that they will soon be asked to let go of their tight grasp on the 'Golden Calf' (the world of materialism) they love so much. They are really afraid that they will be robbed of the precious toys they are so in love with (the makeup, jewelry, fancy and expensive clothes…).

This is the greatest tragedy of our generation that is destroying everything. Every time a Charedi woman chooses to deviate from the Truth, she inflicts more tragedy upon Am Yisrael, G-d Forbid, and brings the spiritual level of this generation one step lower. And every husband that approves of his wife dressing this way, is no less to blame than her, since that is clearly what his heart desires. Every woman that does not dress according to the Torah laws negatively influences everyone around her.

And if she happens to be a Rebbetzin who is basing her anti-Jewish behavior on the Torah [as if that were permitted] - this is a disastrous tragedy and I do not envy this Rebbetzin. Her husband, the Rabbi, would certainly be upset with the poor autistic person who dares to say such things, but baruch Hashem there are very long, impressive lists of great Rabbis over time who have outright objected to the wearing of wigs and the immodest dress code that has erupted throughout the Charedi community.

Q. Some of the women we have spoken to about modesty say that there is no point talking to them about shawls when they have so many other middos (traits) to work on first. Are they right in their way of thinking?

A. The first and foremost essence of the Torah is "Kedoshim tihiyu", and that is the root of modesty. Yet there is such great confusion on this matter and now there is even a new fashion of wearing shawls among the Goyim. So now you might see American Charedi tourists wearing shawls while continuing at the same time with their usual immodest behavior. This refers to women who are supposedly connected to the holiest of holies in the Charedi world but they are very influenced by the Hellenistic, modern world.

Why is modesty so important? Because Hashem commanded us to be holy - "kedoshim tihiyu", and a person who is unholy is looked upon in Heaven as something filthy and disgusting, since that person is full of uncontrollable lusts, and how can holy words and prayers come out of the mouth of one whose heart and mind is completely wrapped up with desires for the pleasures of this world?!

The Jewish People, who stood before Hashem at Mount Sinai and received His Torah, were the most modest nation of all and yet, today, even the Charedim - the most orthodox Jews - have started behaving like the Goyim.

"Kedoshim tihiyu" is the essence for all of Yiddishkeit. A person who is drowning in gashmius (materialism), who davens (prays) like a tzaddik but looks for pleasures like a Goy… his prayers cannot reach up to Heaven.

Q. How can we bring down the wall that is resistant to shawls?

A. There is nothing else to do but to daven for everyone and explain to people that anyone can see what a difficult situation we are in and that everything is happening precisely as our Sages, z"l, predicted [Masechet Sota page 49: the face of the generation is like the face of a dog, the child is not respectful of his father…]. They predicted that in this generation (preceding the Redemption), a Jew will have to truly sacrifice himself in order to live like a Jew. It is much more important to live like a true Jew than to die as a martyr. The more a person covers himself the better protected he is from all the troubles of this world and this pertains also to the men.

If the men would demand modesty from their wives it would save the whole situation but even most of the men are not dressing appropriately. For example, there is a new fashion among many of the Litvish / regular Chareidi (not Chassidish…) men who wear tight pants. Their jackets are short and tight as well. This is not a true avrech - a true Torah learning Jew. A man who wears a striped suit, his clothes tight against his body so that you can see each and every move the body makes - his head is not in the right place.

A true Jew wears clothes as wide as possible. Both men and women are obligated to cover their bodies as much as possible.

There are many Rosh Yeshivas who do not put any emphasis at all on the matter of modesty in their yeshivas. They look at it in a "psychological" way which says: What can you do? Every boy has an evil inclination…

Yet, if this is the case, G-d Forbid, it is a terrible tragedy, and something drastic must be done to rectify the situation. But they overlook it in silence, something which destroys the entire generation and many generations thereafter. In many situations they are even teaching the boys to be forgiving about matters relating to modesty amongst each other. They are following the psychological rules of the modern Goyish world. This is a mistake and absolutely forbidden.

Q. Regarding the women who wear shawls on their heads, people say that there is no way they can influence others because they look too radical.

A. As with every thing in life, one must be real. If he is real (not just doing things to impress others), people will respect him - even if they are upset with him. Therefore, definitely wear shawls and wide-cut clothes because if not, all the mussar (rebuke) these people give will be completely worthless.

Q. Do you think there is still a chance to change the situation of modesty in our generation?

A. Hashem is Omnipotent. We must all make efforts and pray for all of Am Yisrael that we should all understand what is the path of truth and follow that path. And we must rebuke and arouse people's awareness even more now, but be sure to pray beforehand that you should be successful.

As we have said many times, only a fifth (at the most) came out of Egypt, etc. - very few, relatively. Every generation the Jews suffered under the hands of others (such as in Egypt, the holocaust, the Spanish inquisition, etc.), only few managed to do teshuva and survive. This is why it is very advisable for people to live with Jewish extremism. The women should be true "Bas Yisraels" and "Eshes Chayils" (women of valor) and the men should be true "talmid-chachams" (Torah Scholars).

Q. There are parents who love modesty and want to live by it but are not managing to influence their daughters. What should they do?

A. They must pray for their daughters and build small schools and discuss the topic often. But there is not much time. This whole party is going to come to an end very soon. Hashem is bringing everything to an end. The Judaism level is about to drop so low that it will not have any resemblance to Yiddishkeit anymore. If another generation goes by, it will be hard for anyone to discern who is Jewish and who is not.

This generation is orphaned from leaders, and it is facing such harsh times, the likes of which have never been seen throughout the history of mankind. Only those that decide to follow Hashem all the way, with as much loyalty as possible (i.e. taking all the steps to really come close to Hashem, like dressing modestly, detaching ourselves from gashmius, etc.), will receive our righteous Moshiach.

We have disassembled the Jewish home. Without a Jewish home there is no future for Am Yisrael. The Jewish Home of the past generations still exists, but only with a few individuals. Yet now, it is almost history, with only a few examples left here and there. Woe to us, woe to us!

Only one thing will help us now and that is real teshuva, along with the foundation of "Kedoshim tihiyu". We must delve deep into ourselves and extract every stain, every point of transgression or of the desire to transgress, and the needs we have for this world which have no connection whatsoever to the purpose of our existence.

This will help us remove every single defect within our body and soul. Then we must pray and shed tears over every single sin we have performed and feel truly sorry for wasting our lives on foolish things, and make the firm decision that from now on we are returning to Hashem with everything that involves.

Q. Regarding modesty do we need to go back to the way our grandmothers used to dress?

A. You must go back, yes. But if we say "like our grandmothers", it depends on which grandmothers. Grandmothers from 100 years ago were very modest but there were also those who did not cover their hair and there were avrechim (Torah learning men) from 100 years ago who spent part of their time learning and part of the time occupying themselves with things that are absolutely forbidden! So which grandmothers are we referring to? Even 200 years ago there were grandmothers and grandfathers that were not modest.

People must be modest, men and women, with appropriate head-coverings, wide and long clothes, simple, dark shoes, etc. But beyond that, you must really want the modesty and love it - for it is the Will of Hashem. We must literally run after everything Hashem wants us to do.

Start with modesty, because the exterior of a person influences the interior [as written in Messilas Yesharim chapter 7].

The aspirations of one who is dressed like a tzaddik are to be a tzaddik and likewise the opposite. A Jew who is dressed like a Goy certainly wants to live the life of a Goy. This does not mean that there are no Jews who dress appropriately yet are rotten on the inside. But if you take a closer look at them you will see that they are not really 100% modest either.

All I can tell you is that in the very near future you are going to see some very frightening things. If you stick to the kedusha, everything will go over peacefully. Unfortunately, a lot of blood will be spilled, but because of your (to the group of women wearing shawls…) messirus nefesh (devotion), a lot of Jews will be saved.

Q. But why must blood spill at all?

A. It is a fact. Look at our history; the Jews were always given the chance to do teshuva and because they didn't, it ended in blood.

Chapter 73:


Chapter 73 WWIII

Everyone can sense that the situation throughout the world has reached a dead end. The question remaining in people's minds is not will there be a world war 3 but rather, when? When will WWIII break out? Anyone who is realistic realizes that according to the types and amounts of weapons the countries possess, there is no way anyone can protect themselves and stay alive - at least, no way short of a miracle.

We wrote this page in order to bring to you all an explanation of the situation the world is in today. We even found an amazingly accurate description of this situation and the situation we are about to face, in the words of our Sages, z"l, from around two-thousand years ago, an in the words of our holy prophets who were alive even before that.

We will bring clarifications on all of this, as well, G-d Willing.

Rabbi Yitzchak said: (Yalkut Shimoni, Yishayahu 60)

"In the year when the king, Moshiach will be revealed, all the kings of the nations of the world are provoking each other. The king of Paras (Iran) is provoking the Arab king (Saudi Arabia) and then the Arab King will turn to Edom (U.S.A.) for advice.

The king of Paras will then go and destroy the world. And all the nations of the world (that remain) will shout from terror, fall upon their faces in fear and undergo such horrible pains as strong as labor pains.

And the Jewish people will shout from fear and say, "to where do we turn?! To where do we run?"

And He will say unto them (Hashem), my children, do not be afraid; all that I have done here, I have done only for you. What do you fear? The time for your Redemption has arrived!"


Rabbi Yitzchak said: [2000 years ago!] In the year when the king, Moshiach will be revealed [what will happen in the year Moshiach will be revealed], all the kings of the nations of the world are provoking each other [threats of war will be heard all over the world].

The king of Paras [the president of Iran] is provoking the Arab king [threatening the king of Saudi Arabia - the only country who still has the word "arab" in its name - with war]

and then the Arab King will turn to Edom for advice [the king of Saudi Arabia will turn to the western countries led by the U.S.A. for advice on how to react to the Iranian threats].

The king of Paras will then go and destroy the world [it is quite obvious that one cannot destroy the whole world with conventional weapons. In this case it is obviously referring to nuclear weapons. "the world" of course means most of the world, not the whole planet].

And all the nations of the world [the countries that will remain, see in Zecharia 13, the prophecy that says that 2/3 of the world will be destroyed] will shout from terror, fall upon their faces in fear and undergo such horrible pains as strong as labor pains [the whole world will be gripped with such a fear, since it is known that nuclear weapons can mean only one thing and that is: certain death].

And the Jewish people will shout from fear [they will be afraid that Iran may attack Israel, as well] and say, "to where do we turn?! To where do we run?"

And He will say unto them (Hashem), my children, do not be afraid; all that I have done here, I have done only for you [everything Hashem will do is for the Jews, to destroy the reign of the wicked Edom, to eradicate evil from the world and allow the Moshiach, our righteous king to take over the kingdom]. Why do you fear? The time for your Redemption has arrived!

What is written above refers to the destruction of two thirds of the nations of the world. However, if Am Yisrael does not return to Hashem and do teshuva, G-d Forbid, their situation may also become much worse.

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