English Messages part 1

Welcome! Part 1 of English Messages

We will put 2 - 4 messages
per page, from Daniel's website that "True Simcha" translated (www.truesimcha.blogspot.com) from chapter 29 and on, so you can read Ben's and Daniel's messages and the other people who give messages - all here. May their words strengthen you and bring you closer to your purpose in this world and to Hashem.

Chapter 29 from Daniel's website:

FC with Binyamin Golden, 31.5.07

We must not let go of the rope

Listen very carefully. In the very near future things will begin to unfold in a most frightening way. The parade of the filthy ones is really the last stage of the dirt and contamination that the Zionists brought to the Holy Land, and the greatest shame to the holiness.

Last year it led to a war (the second Lebanon War).

They threw rockets at us, thousands of rockets and yet, miracle of miracles, so few Jews were wounded and killed. It was also by a miracle that there was no damage to the economy, wonder of wonders!

Hashem guided us into that war (it was a sign for us that we must fight the impurity), in other words, we, too should have fought, and yet they expected us to fight against it on our own (to fight the impurity). Why?

Because that filth is also amongst us, in some form or another. We should have fought it (the impurity) all the way, but we stopped right in the most difficult part of the war; we ended the war with the usually unreliable promises of the Zionists and here, once again we are facing another threat of the same war.

Once again the filthy ones are threatening to parade through Jerusalem, the Holy City, the home of the Divine Presence who has been crying for thousands of years over the people of Israel.

How do they dare come to Jerusalem, with all their nerve - it is like spitting on the Holy of Holies.

If we don't fight now, there will not be another opportunity. It is hard to believe that anyone still has the strength or the will left to fight. If they do not have the strength to fight, they should find the strength to pray, and if they pray, they must do authentic Teshuva - repentance. They must fix within themselves everything that is lacking and corrupt and change habits that are identical with those of the Gentiles.

The first change they must make relates to modesty. Lack of modesty leads to many sins and this is not a simple matter.
The second thing he must work on is the matter of 'How one acts to another' (
בין אדם לחברו).
The third thing is to detach ourselves from excessive materialism.
The fourth thing is prayer, prayer with a broken heart.

I am announcing again that thousands of men should go out in the streets, sit on the ground with sacks and ashes, say 'Slichot' (prayers of Atonement from the Siddur), and make the decision to do real repentance and ask Hashem to forgive our many sins, each of us as individuals and the people of Israel as a whole. We must then return to our homes and clean them out from impure things and impure thoughts. We must close ourselves into a [spiritual] ghetto and not let the [effects of the] outside world enter and destroy it.

This is the only way to save ourselves and our children. If we don't do this as a nation or as a group, and you want to save yourselves, do it as an individual within your family.

Don't forget that throughout the history of the world, the truth was always with the minority and never with the majority. Also now, the minority and not the majority will merit greeting Moshiach.

Choose for yourselves which group you will join.

When some women who deal with matters that help the Jewish people asked, "Where will we be?"

Binyamin answered: "If this group was not in the path of truth, I would not be speaking with you.

Question: Why are we feeling tired?

Binyamin: The whole world, all of nature, is changing. We see this and it is putting a lot of stress on the people. That is why it is hard to get up and function. A lot of people feel excessively tired, they feel enclosed as though they were inside of a bubble, they feel that there is a lack of concern. We must take hold of ourselves and do as much as we can for the sake of holiness: We must accept upon ourselves to work on external modesty, our internal-selves, Torah and following its commandments and doing good deeds. Don't forget what it says, that before the Moshiach comes, Hashem will hold a rope and shake it hard, and we must do whatever we can not to let go of the rope.

Chapter 30

Chapter 30 - Before a great tragedy
Jerusalem, Jun, 09, 2007

We are facing now a great tragedy, and it will come, unfortunately, because we have crossed all the limits and there is no other choice. Only a miracle can save the entire Jewish nation. Everyone wants to know what the future holds for us, and how we can receive Moshiach, despite our actions and we have already written a lot about this. Not only have we written about all this, many great, righteous men, Tzaddikim, the greatest of the generations have all written about everything [that is happening and that will happen], as did the holy prophets.

So, what does the future hold for us?

Essentially, it will be like the exile from Egypt, but yet, different and harsher. If so many Jews, back then were not worthy of exile, we, in our time are on a much lower level than they were. What's scary is that nowadays, the Jews who are considered to be 'Kosher Jews', believers and mitzvah-doers do not realize that they are really grave sinners. In addition to all this trouble, they are often fully backed by the various big Rabbis. And this is really confusing for the people.

This is why there is almost no way to naturally influence the people and get them to repent. Everyone is too busy patting each other on the back, telling each other "Oh, what great kindness we do for others, how we guard our tongues, do mitzvos and good deeds, how we pray, how we learn… what a great generation."

But this is all so far from the truth.

Hashem is giving us the most difficult times in order to wake us up from our deep sleep but we don't want to wake up and see the truth. It's just like the Jews in Europe who refused to see the truth and paid for it in the most horrible ways, may we never know of such things. Hashem warned them also before it happened.

Question: How did Hashem warn them?

Binyamin's answer: All sorts of things happened through which people could have realized that they were not doing the right things. And then there were really great Tzaddikim in that generation who clearly told them that what they were doing was wrong and that if they did not change their ways they would pay dearly for their actions. Indeed, that is what happened...

Today's situation is that Hashem barely speaks through the Gedolim, the great Rabbis; he speaks to us through the righteous Rabbis of the past, and also through all kinds of unnatural disasters such as difficult peculiar illnesses, general problems in the home - shlom bayit, Jewish girls and women who have no sensitivity to modesty, problems in many different aspects, that are difficult to explain, and everyone is walking around with fear in their hearts. Yet it is hard for the people to stay away from the stupidity and foolishness that has ensnared the Jewish mind.

Woe to us, now that we are facing the end. What do we have to show for now? So many Jews have forgotten what it is to be humble, to act modestly and to dress modestly. There are Jews whose entire lives evolve around money, [materialistic] things, and vacations. Every day Jews are eating treif (non-Kosher) because the level of Kashrus is the lowest - it's all about money and not the faith. I don't need to explain further; it is common knowledge that there are constant disputes between the greater Rabbis and the less great, etc.

This is a generation of people that do not understand when they are dressed and when they are naked.

This is why I am warning you, dear Jews. I have nothing to say to the secularists; but to the religious people, who are supposed to be the closest [to Hashem], if you don't leave the lies, the lies themselves will kill you. How? When Moshiach comes, you will not recognize him. You will be seeing truth while you are within the lies, and the lies are an illusion (imagination). The truth is the reality. The lie has no shape or form, it has no volume, and it will disappear as though it had never been there in the first place. The truth is eternal.

Therefore, indeed, we are approaching the most difficult times including wars and all sorts of unbelievable situations.

But those who truly trust Hashem, who make efforts to follow His way, even if they are not always 100% successful, they will be protected and will come out of all this safe and well, G-d Willing.

If the Jewish people would all become true believers by going out into the streets with sacks and ashes, repenting, weeping and saying the prayers of atonement, etc and then return to clean out their homes and neighborhoods, only then would it be possible for Moshiach to come with ease. But right now, I do not see this as a possibility

Chapter 31:

Chapter 31 - Reincarnation of the Prophet Daniel

FC with Binyamin and Daniel Jun.17.2007

(FC no 18)

Daniel is being released from the Tel Hashomer hospital today. All along the way, my heart was crying as I watched him - in and out of awareness, slow reactions… I had felt that pain before, the last time he was hospitalized.

One never really gets used to these things but we have to find a way to go on.

You really need to be "brave" to go into the private ward and see all the people that have been committed. I don't blame my wife for preferring to wait outside.

After meeting with the doctor to get instructions on treatment and medications, we got in the car and drove to Jerusalem.

The usual group were already there; Shmuel, Binyamin, Yisrael, the guy in charge and the communicator. I laid the table with some refreshments and drinks we had brought with us and turned on my two recorders.

I usually spend a couple of days preparing questions before each session, but ever since Daniel's hospitalization, let's just say 'my mind's not quite there'.

Moreover, at Daniel's request, I have been spending a lot of time preparing his next book, so unfortunately, I could not prepare my usual set of questions and at the FC place, I came up with only a few. My apologies, but I do hope to have more ready for the next session.

I usually like to begin the sessions with Binyamin, who is the oldest one of that group.

Here it is:

Abba: Is Daniel a reincarnation of the prophet Daniel?

Ben: Yes, that would be very fitting for the situation, but I'm not aloud to say. It is very fitting, though.

Abba: If the answer is "no" can you tell us "no"?

Ben: If it wasn't clear, I could have told you but then you would know the answer.

Abba: In other words you are not allowed to tell me who Daniel is a reincarnation of?

Ben: I'm not allowed.

Abba: I understand from our previous session that the second Lebanon war happened in order to prevent the impure parade [the gay parade]?

Ben: Not only because of that. However, this impure parade is symbolic; it's symbolic of the degeneration of the world, of all the impurities that have weaved their way into every corner of the world. And the last straw, was taking the filth and parading it through the Holiest of Holy places [Jerusalem]. It is the biggest chutzpah [insolence] there has ever been.

Abba: Binyamin, you said "not only", meaning there were other causes for the second Lebanon war, aside from the impure parade?

Ben: Again, it's not just the parade that brought on the war; it's all our sins, particularly the sins of the Jews. The parade is a symbol of our many sins.

(I told Binyamin that I heard that a lot of Ultra Orthodox Jews did not want to join in the fight against the parade because they don't even know of such horrible things and why drag pure, innocent people into that world of filth?)

Ben: True, there are innocent Torah-learning men who have never heard of such things before but there are many who have and a lot of Yeshiva men know about these things. Moreover, you don't have know exactly what it is; people don't have to know all the little details in order to fight against it. And if they don't know… how can they not know that such a thing exits? Everything is written in detail in the Gemora.

(I'd heard that the Badatz [religious justice system] of the Eidah Hacharedis [the Ultra Orthodox community] had organized a huge supporting-convention in Jerusalem with 70,000 participants to demonstrate against the parade.

At the convention they said Tehillim [Psalms], blew shofars, and various Rabbis lectured about modesty and doing teshuva [repentance].

I also made reference to Binyamin's previous harsh message. I understood that it was directly related to the impure parade, in other words that something terrible, Heaven Forbid would happen in order to stop the parade from happening.)

Ben: I don't think there's a connection between the tragedy and preventing the parade, but Hashem is the Omnipotent. If He decides to prevent it, He will. But I fear that if He does, it will be like last year - with great tragedy, Heaven Forbid.

Abba: Meaning, we won't know if He will or not until Thursday?

Ben: That's right.

Abba: I read that the Ultra-Orthodox Badatz cursed anyone who participates in the parade including the police. Does their curse have any validity?

Ben: What do you mean, does it have validity? If Tzaddikim [righteous men] put a curse on people who hate Jews, who hate Hashem, Heaven Forbid, then their curse certainly has validity.

(A relative was present at the FC session, who was worried that she would not get accepted to the seminary she wishes to attend next year.)

Ben: You are afraid they won't accept you to the seminary?

Let me tell you a secret. If they don't accept you it doesn't mean anything, it doesn't mean that they are right. But what does matter is that you must do real teshuva. You must decide to live like a real Jewish girl and not like a girl off the street - the street which is filthy and immodest.

You are a very important soul, very gentle and very good. You must follow the way of Hashem. Whether you get accepted or not [to the seminary], don't be upset. But you should feel bad if you don't follow the way of Hashem.

Abba: what's going on with Daniel?

Ben: This is part of his rectification, he is a big Tzaddik. You shouldn't lower the dosage of his medications now because you can't endanger the people around him.

Abba: The dosage is double what it was before.

Ben: Of course, because this time you lost the balance and when you lose the balance you have to start from high and then lower it to an effective dosage, as low as possible as long as it is effective. You have to continue with this dosage now and slowly, slowly the doctors will be able to lower the dosage to a more normal one. First, though, you have to see how his body digests this dosage and then see what would bring him closest to normal.

Abba: Do you have a message for the people?

Ben: Just the message from Motzaei Shabbos (chapter 30). There's not much more to say now, just to wait, but while people are waiting they should pray that they should be able to repent and follow the path of Hashem.

Daniel is not feeling well.

(From here we continued the session with Daniel)

Abba: Daniel, Binyamin says you are not feeling well. What can we do to help you?

Daniel: You can't help me and I want to answer questions.

(How could I tell him that I hadn't prepared any questions for him?)

Abba: Is the medicine helping you, Daniel?

Daniel: I don't know why but I know that with all the suffering, I must have the medication. I'm afraid to be without it because I don't want to lose control again and that scares me more. Really, don't lower the dosage now, I'm really afraid, I'm afraid, afraid, don't lower it now. Please.

Daniel (verbally): Oy vavoy, Oh no, oh no, the Jewish people are deteriorating, oy vavoy!

Abba: Daniel, what do you think about the book [the first "Daniel"]?

Daniel: I'm very pleased.

(We spoke about Moshiach- the Messiah)

Daniel: I don't know when exactly, but it is close, G-d Willing.

But there really is a fear (that something will happen) in this month. It is Rosh Chodesh Tammuz (the first day in the month of Tammuz) and there is great fear particularly during the three weeks (from the fast of the 17th of Tammuz to the fast of the 9th of Av).

… but I know what my sins are and what Hashem wants of me and I know that we are only in this world to work, not to have physical and materialistic fun; we need to grow spiritually.

Abba: How can we grow spiritually?

Daniel: We must understand that life is short; even 120 years go by so quickly. There is not time and it's all for the purpose of rectification.

We must rectify. I know you love me and I'm happy about that.

(Although I didn't prepare questions for the session, I did suddenly remember two.)

Abba: A guest asked if the answers you give are intended for the person asking alone or are they intended for the whole nation?

Daniel: Every answer is general (for the nation) and specific (for the asker as an individual).

Abba: Can a person who has not done complete repentance still help with zikui harabim [meriting the people] by doing things such as handing out CDs, etc. (with these messages)?

Daniel: Of course he can, why not? It doesn't mean he'll get to Gan Eden that way, but it might encourage him to fully repent.

(I asked about relatives who suffer from illnesses and financial difficulties)

Daniel: They are righteous, why do need to tell you this?

This is a generation of suffering. We must suffer without letting ourselves fall in spirituality. Hashem will help.

Abba: Do you have a message to give to all the visitors who sent you their blessings and pray for you?

Daniel: I want to thank everyone who wrote "Get well, Daniel."

I also want to tell you that the end is very near and the Jews must all repent. Also the gentile nations must repent.

And I want to bless all those who blessed me that, G-d Willing, you should receive our righteous Moshiach [Bimhera beyamenu] soon, in our time.

Daniel: My entire suffering is rectifications and punishments and the medications I receive are also connected to this.

(verbally:) I am very sad, the Jewish nation is deteriorating, because we could have been redeemed a long time ago already, and where are the Jewish people?

Daniel: Tell … that he should not be afraid. I pray for him all the time.

(We returned to the topic of the impure parade)

Abba: The impure parade is planned for this Thursday. Even if thousands of Haredim [Ultra-orthodox men] would come and demonstrate against the parade, there are thousands of police men there who would brutally beat people… I think this matter is out of our hands.

Guest: Impure parades have been permitted in only two countries: Holland and Israel. When such a parade took place in Russia… the police gave the [impure] people such a beating… and they had the government backing them.

Daniel: yes, what can we do? Our entire society has been affected somehow by this impurity. What will help? I do not know. But Jews must protest. Woe to those who do not protest.

(We returned to the topic of reincarnation)

Abba: Daniel, are you a reincarnation of the Prophet Daniel?

Daniel: A spark.

Abba: And Binyamin is a spark of whom?

Daniel: I can't tell you, he doesn't allow me to tell anyone.

Abba: Do you want to ask me any questions?

Daniel: We don't have to talk all the time. Chitchat is also not a good thing, I am through.

(Daniel stood up and then I remembered that Daniel mentioned to me several times that he was afraid and I wanted to ask him what he was afraid of so Ben answered)

Abba: What is Daniel afraid of?

Ben: He is afraid to go off balance. He realizes that you love him so much and that you don't want the medication to harm him. But he also knows that with Hashem's help the medications will give him some kind of balance and therefore he must have the medications. Although the medications do have side effects, sometimes Hashem helps that they should be right for the tzaddik.

He is very unbalanced and he must be balanced.

This type of suffering is preferable to others.

Abba: What is the difference between a spark and a reincarnation?

Ben: A reincarnation is really the whole soul, entirely, and a spark is only a part of the soul.

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